BJ's Eye View: Global Tragedy Edition
Bestiality is a tragic sickness in America and all over the world. Growing up in Iowa, there were always stories about some horny lonely farmer or high school drop-out visiting the stable for a quickie. However, in our civilized country, we ostracize and punish these brazen criminals.
In Sudan, apparently that is not the case. As sad as this is, it seems to refute the right-wing argument that legalizing gay marriage would lead to people marrying animals. Us gays want to move forward, not backwards (at least when we're talking about progressive rights--rather than literal movement). While in Sudan, where I doubt it's okay to even have a rainbow sticker on your rickshaw, people are marrying animals right as we speak!
Poor Prince William, and poor Kate Middleton. Their break-up is all over the news. Unlike royalty, I never felt horrible pressure to continue my college relationships, and yet Don and I are still going strong years later. The media are so hard on the royals. Of course, political children get their share of trauma in America, too. Can you imagine the poor fate of any man seen publicly dating a Bush daughter?
When I think of institutions that have caused stress and horror over the centuries, to repeat offenders are the Catholic Church and the fur industry. So it's not surprising that the Pope drapes himself in luxurious furs, although that dandy look and the gay or pimp images it evokes can't be good for his reputation. Anyway, finally someone is taking action and trying to break up this unholy alliance. Will the two institutions be less powerful individually this way? Who knows, but at least the Pope won't look like an extra in a particularly experimental Lil Kim video.
On the bright side, however, today is free cone day at Ben and Jerry's! So, if you have one nearby, go and forget your problems with a delicious cone if you have the time.
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