Monday, April 9, 2007

Mr. BJ Goes to Washington for April 9, 2007

To emphasize how bored I have become with the Monday politics feature on my blog, I am not including any pictures, and, to make matters worse, every story is about educational issues. Take that! By the way, I hope everyone had a safe and fantastic Easter, atheistical or not.

According to this story in today's Sun Times, Chicago needs well over 100 public school principals next year. How is that possible? I honestly didn't think there were even that many more than 100 schools in the city. Are all the principals leaving? Apparently the city is trying to recruit people from all over the fill the holes. We have become a pimp looking for academic hall-walkers!

My high school principal, Mr. Woodhouse, had a very creepy molester type vibe. I've always associated school administrative officials with a sort of odd personality type. I say Chicago should look for fresh, new types of people to become principals. Forget academic backgrounds and degrees and experience working in schools. Go the unorthodox route and hire artistic craftspeople, dance music producers, high-end clothing store employees, and other creative and fun types. The schools could be happy and gay, and so will be the youth of tomorrow in our great city.

As a warning of what could happen otherwise, look no further than this odd tale of a high school senior in Florida who was forced to switch schools after mooning a teacher. Actually, is it just a moon when the hole is involved? I have to admit, I feel a bit creepy pondering anal questions when looking at a seemingly wholesome group of cute high school boys hanging out together. Which one is the mooner?

Anyway, there seems to be a debate in the comments about whether the punishment was too severe. I just never want to become those rich parents with no control over their kids who are then horrified when their precious babies do anything bad and think they can avoid responsibility the old-fashioned way: suing the accusers! A better punishment, and a more entertaining one, would be to force these people to be the subjects of a candid reality TV show (Bravo! couldn't say no) and show the world how disgusting they probably are.

And now, a story with a very fascinating picture. Would you guess that was a transsexual? Anyway, our academic focus today concludes with the debate over trannies at single-sex colleges. I would have much rather gone to an all-women's school than an all-boys' one, and I can't imagine the girls wouldn't have considered me one of their own. But, then again, maybe they want to get rid of anything male, regardless of personality and biology.

Those Smith and Bryn Mawr types are giving feminism a bad name (and sound: Dar Willilams and Ani DiFranco are just boring, depressing, and crappy!) with their angry, lesbian exclusivity. Take some advice from your gay brothers and keep it fun, inclusive, and fabulicious!

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